ParamotoringRecommendedTandem Paramotor Flight from Adeje, Tenerife(16)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2.5 hrs to 3 hrsFrom€140
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight over Adeje, in Tenerife(4)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1.5 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€130
ParamotoringInstant confirmationParamotoring Flight over the Costa Adeje in TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€140
ParaglidingInstant confirmationParagliding tandem flight over Taucho in TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€130
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationSnorkeling Boat Excursion in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(16)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€40
ParasailingRecommendedInstant confirmationParasailing flight in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(13)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands45 minFrom€50
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight from Taucho in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€90
ParaglidingInstant confirmationTandem Paragliding Flights over the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€99
SnorkellingInstant confirmationGuided Snorkelling Excursion in Tenerife(4)Los Cristianos, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2.5 hrsFrom€2
ParasailingParasailing flight off the coast of Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€60
Jet SkiingJet Ski Rental in Playa de Torviscas in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands40 minFrom€60
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion along the Southern Coast of Tenerife, from Costa Adeje(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 4.5 hrsFrom€160
Scuba DivingInstant confirmationBeginners Scuba Diving Experience along the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€70
Scuba DivingFirst Scuba Dive in Playa de las Américas, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€90
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Tour from Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2 hrs 15 min From€55
Rock ClimbingInstant confirmationGuided rock climbing trips in Adeje, Tenerife(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands5 hrsFrom€58
Jet SkiingJet ski excursions from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale & Dolphin Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 4.5 hrs to 3hr 15minFrom€39
SnorkellingInstant confirmationSnorkeling Excursion in La Caleta de Adeje Bay, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€38
Sightseeing ToursInstant confirmationTuk Tuk Tour along the Adeje Coast, in Tenerife(1)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€12
ParasailingParasailing on the Costa de Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€30
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion from Costa Adeje to Teide National Park, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€195
SnorkellingBoat Tour with Snorkeling Excursion from Puerto Colon, Tenerife(1)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€48
ParamotoringRecommendedTandem Paramotor Flight from Adeje, Tenerife(16)Organized by Fotovuelo Paragliding & ParatrikeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2.5 hrs to 3 hrsFrom€140
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight over Adeje, in Tenerife(4)Organized by Fotovuelo Paragliding & ParatrikeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1.5 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€130
ParamotoringInstant confirmationParamotoring Flight over the Costa Adeje in TenerifeOrganized by Daydream paraglidingCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€140
ParaglidingInstant confirmationParagliding tandem flight over Taucho in TenerifeOrganized by Daydream paraglidingCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€130
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationSnorkeling Boat Excursion in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(16)Organized by Travel Sub Dive CenterCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€40
ParasailingRecommendedInstant confirmationParasailing flight in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(13)Organized by Parascending TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands45 minFrom€50
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight from Taucho in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Organized by Touch The SkyCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€90
ParaglidingInstant confirmationTandem Paragliding Flights over the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by Overfly TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€99
SnorkellingInstant confirmationGuided Snorkelling Excursion in Tenerife(4)Organized by Diving AtlantisLos Cristianos, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2.5 hrsFrom€2
ParasailingParasailing flight off the coast of Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Organized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€60
Jet SkiingJet Ski Rental in Playa de Torviscas in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(2)Organized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands40 minFrom€60
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion along the Southern Coast of Tenerife, from Costa Adeje(2)Organized by Top Buggy AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 4.5 hrsFrom€160
Scuba DivingInstant confirmationBeginners Scuba Diving Experience along the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by Travel Sub Dive CenterCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€70
Scuba DivingFirst Scuba Dive in Playa de las Américas, Tenerife(3)Organized by OCEAN TREK DIVE CLUBCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€90
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Tour from Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by ExmaranCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2 hrs 15 min From€55
Rock ClimbingInstant confirmationGuided rock climbing trips in Adeje, Tenerife(2)Organized by Adrenaline AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Tenerife DolphinCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands5 hrsFrom€58
Jet SkiingJet ski excursions from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale & Dolphin Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Freebird CatamaranCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 4.5 hrs to 3hr 15minFrom€39
SnorkellingInstant confirmationSnorkeling Excursion in La Caleta de Adeje Bay, TenerifeOrganized by Apnea AcademyCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€38
Sightseeing ToursInstant confirmationTuk Tuk Tour along the Adeje Coast, in Tenerife(1)Organized by Tuk Tuk TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€12
ParasailingParasailing on the Costa de Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Aj Fly Parascending TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€30
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion from Costa Adeje to Teide National Park, TenerifeOrganized by Top Buggy AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€195
SnorkellingBoat Tour with Snorkeling Excursion from Puerto Colon, Tenerife(1)Organized by Bella MarCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€48
ParamotoringRecommendedTandem Paramotor Flight from Adeje, Tenerife(16)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2.5 hrs to 3 hrsFrom€140
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight over Adeje, in Tenerife(4)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1.5 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€130
ParamotoringInstant confirmationParamotoring Flight over the Costa Adeje in TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€140
ParaglidingInstant confirmationParagliding tandem flight over Taucho in TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€130
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationSnorkeling Boat Excursion in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(16)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€40
ParasailingRecommendedInstant confirmationParasailing flight in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(13)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands45 minFrom€50
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight from Taucho in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€90
ParaglidingInstant confirmationTandem Paragliding Flights over the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€99
SnorkellingInstant confirmationGuided Snorkelling Excursion in Tenerife(4)Los Cristianos, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2.5 hrsFrom€2
ParasailingParasailing flight off the coast of Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€60
Jet SkiingJet Ski Rental in Playa de Torviscas in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands40 minFrom€60
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion along the Southern Coast of Tenerife, from Costa Adeje(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 4.5 hrsFrom€160
Scuba DivingInstant confirmationBeginners Scuba Diving Experience along the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€70
Scuba DivingFirst Scuba Dive in Playa de las Américas, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€90
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Tour from Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2 hrs 15 min From€55
Rock ClimbingInstant confirmationGuided rock climbing trips in Adeje, Tenerife(2)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands5 hrsFrom€58
Jet SkiingJet ski excursions from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale & Dolphin Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 4.5 hrs to 3hr 15minFrom€39
SnorkellingInstant confirmationSnorkeling Excursion in La Caleta de Adeje Bay, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€38
Sightseeing ToursInstant confirmationTuk Tuk Tour along the Adeje Coast, in Tenerife(1)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€12
ParasailingParasailing on the Costa de Adeje, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€30
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion from Costa Adeje to Teide National Park, TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€195
SnorkellingBoat Tour with Snorkeling Excursion from Puerto Colon, Tenerife(1)Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€48
ParamotoringRecommendedTandem Paramotor Flight from Adeje, Tenerife(16)Organized by Fotovuelo Paragliding & ParatrikeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2.5 hrs to 3 hrsFrom€140
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight over Adeje, in Tenerife(4)Organized by Fotovuelo Paragliding & ParatrikeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1.5 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€130
ParamotoringInstant confirmationParamotoring Flight over the Costa Adeje in TenerifeOrganized by Daydream paraglidingCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€140
ParaglidingInstant confirmationParagliding tandem flight over Taucho in TenerifeOrganized by Daydream paraglidingCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€130
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationSnorkeling Boat Excursion in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(16)Organized by Travel Sub Dive CenterCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€40
ParasailingRecommendedInstant confirmationParasailing flight in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(13)Organized by Parascending TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands45 minFrom€50
ParaglidingTandem Paragliding Flight from Taucho in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Organized by Touch The SkyCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€90
ParaglidingInstant confirmationTandem Paragliding Flights over the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by Overfly TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€99
SnorkellingInstant confirmationGuided Snorkelling Excursion in Tenerife(4)Organized by Diving AtlantisLos Cristianos, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2.5 hrsFrom€2
ParasailingParasailing flight off the coast of Costa Adeje, Tenerife(6)Organized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€60
Jet SkiingJet Ski Rental in Playa de Torviscas in Costa Adeje, Tenerife(2)Organized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands40 minFrom€60
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion along the Southern Coast of Tenerife, from Costa Adeje(2)Organized by Top Buggy AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 4.5 hrsFrom€160
Scuba DivingInstant confirmationBeginners Scuba Diving Experience along the Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by Travel Sub Dive CenterCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 half dayFrom€70
Scuba DivingFirst Scuba Dive in Playa de las Américas, Tenerife(3)Organized by OCEAN TREK DIVE CLUBCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€90
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Tour from Costa Adeje, Tenerife(3)Organized by ExmaranCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 2 hrs to 2 hrs 15 min From€55
Rock ClimbingInstant confirmationGuided rock climbing trips in Adeje, Tenerife(2)Organized by Adrenaline AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale and Dolphin Watching Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Tenerife DolphinCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands5 hrsFrom€58
Jet SkiingJet ski excursions from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Water Sports TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€120
Whale WatchingInstant confirmationWhale & Dolphin Catamaran Boat Tour from Costa Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Freebird CatamaranCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 4.5 hrs to 3hr 15minFrom€39
SnorkellingInstant confirmationSnorkeling Excursion in La Caleta de Adeje Bay, TenerifeOrganized by Apnea AcademyCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands2 hrsFrom€38
Sightseeing ToursInstant confirmationTuk Tuk Tour along the Adeje Coast, in Tenerife(1)Organized by Tuk Tuk TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary IslandsFrom 1 hr to 2 hrsFrom€12
ParasailingParasailing on the Costa de Adeje, TenerifeOrganized by Aj Fly Parascending TenerifeCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands1 hrFrom€30
Quad Biking / Buggy ToursBuggy Excursion from Costa Adeje to Teide National Park, TenerifeOrganized by Top Buggy AdventureCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands4 hrsFrom€195
SnorkellingBoat Tour with Snorkeling Excursion from Puerto Colon, Tenerife(1)Organized by Bella MarCosta Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands3.5 hrsFrom€48