Contact us
Most Common Questions
Here you can find our FAQ
- I have a question related to the booking process
- I have a practical question
- I want to cancel or modify my booking or I have a question about a refund
- I have a question regarding payments
- I have a question about vouchers or gift cards
- I have a question about group booking or employee benefits
Chat with Us
You can reach us 24/7 through our chatbot, Philippe, who will help answer your questions. Simply click the Chat button on our website to begin. If Philippe cannot resolve your inquiry, he'll connect you directly with our team.
Send us an email
Don’t want to call? Email us and we'll get back to you ASAP via :[email protected]
Propose your activities on Manawa
Manawa partners with local outdoor activity professionals worldwide. Our partners are experts on the ground who offer exceptional outdoor and adventure experiences.
We're happy to discuss and answer your questions. Register here as a provider, and we will get back to you soon.
Join the Manawa affiliate program
No matter if you're a content creator with a dedicated website or blog, a social media influencer, or a professional in the travel and outdoor industry, our affiliate program is designed with you in mind.
Discover the benefits of joining our affiliate network, including competitive commissions, exclusive sponsored activities, and more, by registering as an affiliate.
Join our team
Want to join our passionate team and build the most exciting online booking platform on Earth?