Top 5 Canyoning Spots in Corsica

Known for its mediterranean climate, charm, white sand beaches, and turquoise waters, Corsica remains, above all, a mountainous island where outdoor activities, like canyoning, are plentiful!

With its diversity of geological structures, Corsica boasts a number of luminous gorges, stunning cliffs and natural rock slides where young and old alike can enjoy a rich, breathtaking landscape. Over the course of this article, we'll transport you to the four corners of this Mediterranean jewel to discover, together, the top 5 canyoning spots in Corsica!

Canyoning map of Corsica

A little extra information: most of the canyons covered in this article have alternative routes for the rock jumps such as rappelling or simply walking, and your guide will always be able to find a suitable way for you to discover Corsica and its exceptional canyons.

1- Pulischellu Canyon at Bavella

Jumping in Pulischellu Canyon at Bavella
Corsica Canyon

To begin our semi-aquatic expedition on the Island of Beauty, head for the Pulischellu canyon, the perfect place for beginners to canyoning as well as adventure seekers! Located in the south of Corsica, on the second most visited site on the Island of Beauty: the Aiguilles de Bavella. The Pulischellu canyon in Bavella, with its crystal-clear waters and magnificent scenery, can be reached after a 30-minute walk from the meeting point, and only 5-minutes of effort on the way back. Finally, if you're feeling the cold, you can bypass the jumps and swim a short distance down the canyon.

  • Highest jump: 10 metres
  • Highest rappel: 9 metres
  • Duration of activity: Up to 3 hours
  • Physical condition required: Occasionally sporty
  • Minimum age: 8 years

2- Purcaraccia Canyon at Bavella

Purcaraccia Canyon at Bavella
Corsica Canyon

The Purcaraccia canyon is probably the best-known canyon in Corsica because it is both fun and challenging! Renowned for its beautiful scenery that you can admire while swimming, jumping, rappelling and sliding, it is located in the Aiguilles de Bavella, near the villages of Solenza and Zonza.

After a 1hr 45min walk along a GR20 path, you'll reach the starting point of the Purcaraccia canyon at Bavella. The adventure begins with a 3-hour descent that includes long natural slides, jumps of up to 16 metres and impressive rappels with a view to remember!

It's worth noting that some of the jumps in this canyon can be avoided by walking or swimming. Finally, it will take you 30 minutes to walk back to your starting point, after 5.5 hours of activity.

  • Highest jump: 16 metres
  • Highest abseil: 40 metres
  • Duration of activity: Up to 3 hours
  • Physical condition required: Sporty
  • Minimum age: 12 years

3- La Vacca Canyon at Bavella

La Vacca Canyon at Bavella
Corisca Canyon

Situated in one of the most photographed parts of the Island of Beauty, the Aiguilles de Bavella, the La Vacca canyon is geared towards those who are sportive and experienced with canyoning. With the Sulinzara River, one of Corsica's most beautiful rivers, running through it, this deep canyon takes you through 20 metre high walls for over 3 hours.

Accessible after more than an hour's walk, the route of this expedition alternates between long swims, rappels of up to 16 metres and natural slides, but does not allow you to bypass the rocky jumps on the way.

Some additional specific information, below:

  • Highest jump: 12 metres
  • Highest abseil: 16 metres
  • Duration of activity: Up to 3 hours
  • Physical condition required: Sporty
  • Minimum age: 12 years

4- Zoicu Canyon at Soccia

Water slide at Zoicu Canyon at Soccia
Corsica Canyon

After the Aiguilles de Bavella in southern Corsica, head north to the Zoicu canyon, near Soccia. Considered one of the most famous canyoning spots on the whole of Corsica, the Zoicu is located in the heart of the Corsican Regional Park.

The Zoicu canyon is a complete canyoning course with all the obstacles you need to make the most of the river and the natural setting that surrounds it: jumps that can be adapted or avoided; natural slides and swimming in magnificent water; rappelling descents, the highest of which is 17 metres high; and a zip line!

Close to Lake Creno, the Zoicu canyon is less than a 2 hour drive from Piana and Ajaccio, and can be reached after a 15-minute walk from the parking lot. The descent is guaranteed to take at least 2 hours and 45 minutes!

  • Highest jump: 10 metres
  • Highest abseil: 17 metres
  • Duration of activity: Up to 3 hours
  • Physical condition required: Occasionally sporty to sporty
  • Minimum age: From 7 or 10 years old

5- Fiumicelli Canyon at Bavella

Aquatic hike in the Fiumicelli Canyon at Bavella
Corsica Canyon

To finish off this short list of the best canyoning spots in Corsica, we have the Fiumicelli canyon, in Bavella. This is one of our favourite activities because it's designed to enthral even the youngest visitors with the pleasures of natural, outdoor activities such as canyoning!

Located in the Aiguilles de Bavella, halfway between Solenzara and Zonza, the Fiumicelli canyon has no technical sections. Of course, this 3-hour descent still has its obstacles, such as very accessible jumps (2 to 3 metres maximum) that can be bypassed, and natural slides to give you plenty of thrills. During this aquatic trek, children will be able to discover swimming in a natural environment thanks to the short distances to be covered underwater. Very fun and particularly sunny in the morning, the Fiumicelli canyon will be an excellent reason to switch on your alarm clock, even on holiday!

  • Highest jump: 3 metres
  • Duration of activity: Up to 3 hours
  • Physical condition required: For all
  • Minimum age: 5 years

Our list of the top 5 canyoning spots in Corsica comes to an end here, but that doesn't mean the Island of Beauty doesn't have more surprises in store for you! With this selection of the best canyoning adventures in Corsica, including the varying levels of difficulty and duration, all that's left is for you to find the canyoning descent that suits you best, whether you are a family or an expert at canyoning!

If you are looking for further information about your first canyoning experience, we invite you to consult our guide to everything you need to know about canyoning, so that you can make the best choice from among all our canyoning adventures in Corsica. Don't forget, to discover more of our activities in Corsica, let us guide you!