Cross-country SkiingIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in Breivikeidet from Tromsø(7)Tromsø, NorwayFrom 4.5 hrs to 5.5 hrsFrom€119
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross-Country Skiing in Lapland near Rovaniemi(6)Rovaniemi, Finland3.5 hrsFrom€139
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in SaariselkäSaariselkä, Finland3 hrsFrom€97
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course at Korlevoll Skistadion in HardangerOdda, Norway5 hrsFrom€146
Cross-country SkiingNight Cross-country Skiing Tour and Dinner in Claviere near SestriereSestriere, Italy4 hrsFrom€70
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross Country Skiing Tour in SaariselkäSaariselkä, Finland2 hrsFrom€99
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course in Larra Belagua, near Isaba, NavarraLa Pierre Saint-Martin, France4 hrsFrom€205
Cross-country SkiingAdvanced ski touring day in Serre Chevalier near BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingDiscover ski touring in Serre Chevalier near BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationTraditional wooden cross-country skiing starting from ÅreÅre, Sweden2 hrsFrom€290/ group
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Discovery in the Saguenay region from Sainte-Rose-du-NordSaguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, CanadaFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€39
Cross-country SkiingIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in Breivikeidet from Tromsø(7)Organized by Norwegian TravelTromsø, NorwayFrom 4.5 hrs to 5.5 hrsFrom€119
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross-Country Skiing in Lapland near Rovaniemi(6)Organized by Nordic Unique TravelsRovaniemi, Finland3.5 hrsFrom€139
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in SaariselkäOrganized by Lapland WelcomeSaariselkä, Finland3 hrsFrom€97
Cross-country SkiingDiscover Cross-country Skiing in VossOrganized by Wild VossVoss, Norway7 hrsFrom€318
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course at Korlevoll Skistadion in HardangerOrganized by Trolltunga ActiveOdda, Norway5 hrsFrom€146
Cross-country SkiingNight Cross-country Skiing Tour and Dinner in Claviere near SestriereOrganized by Chaberton Outdoor ActivitiesSestriere, Italy4 hrsFrom€70
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross Country Skiing Tour in SaariselkäOrganized by Arctic TimetravelsSaariselkä, Finland2 hrsFrom€99
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course in Larra Belagua, near Isaba, NavarraOrganized by Mountain Live TravelLa Pierre Saint-Martin, France4 hrsFrom€205
Cross-country SkiingAdvanced ski touring day in Serre Chevalier near BriançonOrganized by Bureau des Guides et Accompagnateurs de BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingDiscover ski touring in Serre Chevalier near BriançonOrganized by Bureau des Guides et Accompagnateurs de BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationTraditional wooden cross-country skiing starting from ÅreOrganized by Åre Nature AdventuresÅre, Sweden2 hrsFrom€290/ group
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Discovery in the Saguenay region from Sainte-Rose-du-NordOrganized by Aventure Rose des VentsSaguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, CanadaFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€39
Cross-country SkiingIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in Breivikeidet from Tromsø(7)Tromsø, NorwayFrom 4.5 hrs to 5.5 hrsFrom€119
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross-Country Skiing in Lapland near Rovaniemi(6)Rovaniemi, Finland3.5 hrsFrom€139
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in SaariselkäSaariselkä, Finland3 hrsFrom€97
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course at Korlevoll Skistadion in HardangerOdda, Norway5 hrsFrom€146
Cross-country SkiingNight Cross-country Skiing Tour and Dinner in Claviere near SestriereSestriere, Italy4 hrsFrom€70
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross Country Skiing Tour in SaariselkäSaariselkä, Finland2 hrsFrom€99
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course in Larra Belagua, near Isaba, NavarraLa Pierre Saint-Martin, France4 hrsFrom€205
Cross-country SkiingAdvanced ski touring day in Serre Chevalier near BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingDiscover ski touring in Serre Chevalier near BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationTraditional wooden cross-country skiing starting from ÅreÅre, Sweden2 hrsFrom€290/ group
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Discovery in the Saguenay region from Sainte-Rose-du-NordSaguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, CanadaFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€39
Cross-country SkiingIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in Breivikeidet from Tromsø(7)Organized by Norwegian TravelTromsø, NorwayFrom 4.5 hrs to 5.5 hrsFrom€119
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross-Country Skiing in Lapland near Rovaniemi(6)Organized by Nordic Unique TravelsRovaniemi, Finland3.5 hrsFrom€139
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationIntroduction to Cross-country Skiing in SaariselkäOrganized by Lapland WelcomeSaariselkä, Finland3 hrsFrom€97
Cross-country SkiingDiscover Cross-country Skiing in VossOrganized by Wild VossVoss, Norway7 hrsFrom€318
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course at Korlevoll Skistadion in HardangerOrganized by Trolltunga ActiveOdda, Norway5 hrsFrom€146
Cross-country SkiingNight Cross-country Skiing Tour and Dinner in Claviere near SestriereOrganized by Chaberton Outdoor ActivitiesSestriere, Italy4 hrsFrom€70
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationCross Country Skiing Tour in SaariselkäOrganized by Arctic TimetravelsSaariselkä, Finland2 hrsFrom€99
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Course in Larra Belagua, near Isaba, NavarraOrganized by Mountain Live TravelLa Pierre Saint-Martin, France4 hrsFrom€205
Cross-country SkiingAdvanced ski touring day in Serre Chevalier near BriançonOrganized by Bureau des Guides et Accompagnateurs de BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingDiscover ski touring in Serre Chevalier near BriançonOrganized by Bureau des Guides et Accompagnateurs de BriançonSerre Chevalier, Francefull dayFrom€90
Cross-country SkiingInstant confirmationTraditional wooden cross-country skiing starting from ÅreOrganized by Åre Nature AdventuresÅre, Sweden2 hrsFrom€290/ group
Cross-country SkiingCross-country Skiing Discovery in the Saguenay region from Sainte-Rose-du-NordOrganized by Aventure Rose des VentsSaguenay-Lac Saint-Jean, CanadaFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€39