Excursions en bateau rapide au départ de Zadar

Speed Boat Zadar est spécialisé dans les excursions d'une journée et d'une demi-journée. Vous avez la possibilité de visiter en privé des endroits que vous manqueriez presque certainement lors de toute autre croisière !

Molat and Dugi otok tour

4 options disponibles à partir de 150 €

Réservez votre activité

Dès450 €/ groupe
1 jour
Accessible à tous
À partir de 6 ans

Informations pratiques


On the Molat and Dugi otok tour you’ll be taken you towards the northern part of Ugljan island, and through the passage of Muline towards Dugi otok. While cruising towards the small and picturesque village of Božava on Dugi otok, you’ll see a lot of islands on the way such as Rivanj, Sestrunj, Zverinac, Iž, Rava.

Once you reach Božava, you’ll have a quick break, just to get you accustomed to the slow pace of life on the Croatian island. There, you can grab an ice cream, coffee or a cold beer before continuing towards Veli Rat. Minutes after we leave Božava you’ll find yourself in front of a warship shelter built during the Cold War to keep the strategically important Maknare passage safe.

Then you proceed to Dugi otok, and towards Lagnići island where you’ll be able to snorkel around the sunken ship which holds many secrets, or if you like, you can lay on a nice beach with turquoise waters to relax.

After the swim, you'll pass under the Veli Rat lighthouse, which was built in 1847, and is still the highest lighthouse in the area. The tour ends in Molat island with its pristine wilderness. Mostly known for its infamous concentration camp during WW2, Molat is one of the hidden gems of Zadar archipelago, and now known for dolphin spotting.

Conditions particulières

Please get in touch with your provider after booking if you are planning to book for children.

Pricing details:

2 people: 450€
3 people: 488€
4 people: 525€
5 people: 563€
6 people: 600€
7 people: 675€
8 people: 750€
9 people: 825€
10 people: 900€

Lieu de rendez-vous :
Speedboat Zadar, Ul. Ivana Meštrovića 3, 23000, Zadar, Croatia
Langues parlées :anglais, croate