Sea KayakingRecommendedKayak Rental in the Bay of Le Robert, Martinique(18)La Trinité, MartiniqueFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€15
Sea KayakingInstant confirmationSea Kayak Rental in the Islets of Le Robert in Martinique(1)La Trinité, Martinique6 hrsFrom€25
Sea KayakingRecommendedKayak Rental in the Bay of Le Robert, Martinique(18)La Trinité, MartiniqueFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€15
Sea KayakingInstant confirmationSea Kayak Rental in the Islets of Le Robert in Martinique(1)La Trinité, Martinique6 hrsFrom€25
Sea KayakingRecommendedKayak Rental in the Bay of Le Robert, Martinique(18)La Trinité, MartiniqueFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€15
Sea KayakingInstant confirmationSea Kayak Rental in the Islets of Le Robert in Martinique(1)La Trinité, Martinique6 hrsFrom€25
Sea KayakingRecommendedKayak Rental in the Bay of Le Robert, Martinique(18)La Trinité, MartiniqueFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€15
Sea KayakingInstant confirmationSea Kayak Rental in the Islets of Le Robert in Martinique(1)La Trinité, Martinique6 hrsFrom€25