SnowshoeingSnowshoe trekking with huskies in Hohentauern near Gesäuse National ParkGesäuse National Park, Austria2.5 hrsFrom€52
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Exploration in Phyrn-Priel, near Kalkalpen National ParkStyria, Austria3 hrsFrom€39
SnowshoeingSnowshoe trekking with huskies in Hohentauern near Gesäuse National ParkOrganized by Dogpoint AdventuresGesäuse National Park, Austria2.5 hrsFrom€52
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Exploration in Phyrn-Priel, near Kalkalpen National ParkOrganized by Abenteuer ManagementStyria, Austria3 hrsFrom€39
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Experience in the Vienna AlpsOrganized by Team wandernVienna, AustriaFrom 3 hrs to 5 hrsFrom€48
SnowshoeingSnowshoe trekking with huskies in Hohentauern near Gesäuse National ParkGesäuse National Park, Austria2.5 hrsFrom€52
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Exploration in Phyrn-Priel, near Kalkalpen National ParkStyria, Austria3 hrsFrom€39
SnowshoeingSnowshoe trekking with huskies in Hohentauern near Gesäuse National ParkOrganized by Dogpoint AdventuresGesäuse National Park, Austria2.5 hrsFrom€52
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Exploration in Phyrn-Priel, near Kalkalpen National ParkOrganized by Abenteuer ManagementStyria, Austria3 hrsFrom€39
SnowshoeingSnowshoeing Experience in the Vienna AlpsOrganized by Team wandernVienna, AustriaFrom 3 hrs to 5 hrsFrom€48