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Scuba Sur Diving Center

Book with Scuba Sur Diving Center

Get to know Scuba Sur Diving Center

Scuba Sur Gran Canaria is located in the Time Share Resort Anfi Del Mar. It is one of the most beautiful Resorts in Gran Canaria with a breathtaking view on the south west side of the ocean. We have an amazing white beach and the small but wonderful private marina. The Scuba Sur dive center is undoubtedly the perfect logistic to satisfy beginners, expert divers and snorkelers.
Scuba Sur has been in the business for over 25 years. We have an accident free track record. Scuba Sur is using the best equipment supplied by Mares, Cressi and Scubapro. All divers students are insured and maximum standards of safety are applied for any activity.

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  • Identity check
    ID checked
  • Company registration
  • Insurance
    Insurance certificate verified
  • Diplomas and qualifications