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Rent a Boat Poreč

Book with Rent a Boat Poreč

Get to know Rent a Boat Poreč

Explore the Croatian coast from Poreč and enjoy an all-inclusive experience on the Adriatic!

One of the undeniable advantages of Rent a Boat Poreč's activities is their comprehensive offer! In their brand new boats, you'll sail with a pro skipper, a top-of-the-range hi-fi system and free drinks! Several water activities are possible and included in the price: wakeboarding, water skiing, monoskiing, and even kneeboarding! If you prefer towed buoys or snorkelling, these activities are also available! You'll find free parking on site as well as an included transfer service.

With Rent a Boat Poreč, you can rent a boat or go on a private excursion from Poreč. The choice is yours!

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  • Identity check
    ID checked
  • Company registration
  • Insurance
    Insurance certificate verified
  • Diplomas and qualifications