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Galleon Tirena

Book with Galleon Tirena

Get to know Galleon Tirena

Galleon Tirena invites you to enjoy a unique experience aboard their historic wooden boat in Dubrovnik!

Want to travel back in time? Then you've got to sail aboard the Galleon Tirena! This boat is an exact replica of the 16th-century Dubrovnik galleon. Also known as the Dubrovnik ship, this vessel was a typical member of the maritime fleet of the Republic of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik). Dubrovnik galleons represented the pinnacle of naval technology at the time, combining robustness, carrying capacity and armament.

Today, the Tirena galleon is owned and operated by the Vuković family, several generations of whom have faced the sea as sailors and captains. The Vuković family is originally from Krilo Jesenice, a Dalmatian seaside village that boasts millennia of naval history, including trading, fishing, shipbuilding and even privateering. At the end of the 20th century, 70 families from this small Dalmatian village turned to tourism, transforming their family maritime businesses into a Croatian success story.

Join the crew of the galleon Tirena in Dubrovnik and travel back in time aboard their historic ship!

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  • Identity check
    ID checked
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    Insurance certificate verified
  • Diplomas and qualifications