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Rodeo Raft

Book with Rodeo Raft

Get to know Rodeo Raft

The team at Rodeo Raft in Belvianes-et-Cavirac will be delighted to provide you with a refreshing white-water adventure in the Aude department!

The Rodeo Raft team offers a range of water-based activities in the Aude (rafting, hydrospeed, canyoning, etc.) and is waiting to share its passion for white-water adventure with you at Belvianes-et-Cavirac. The base is equipped with changing rooms, toilets, showers and a riverside picnic area, and offers all the comfort and equipment you need to enjoy your activities in complete safety. You will be supervised by state-qualified instructors who love whitewater sports, but also care about the environment around you!

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  • Identity check
    ID checked
  • Company registration
  • Insurance
    Insurance certificate verified
  • Diplomas and qualifications