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Nautilus Dive Center

Book with Nautilus Dive Center

Get to know Nautilus Dive Center

Nautilus Dive Center is a company offering unique scuba diving excursions from Athens in Greece!

Athens is the capital city of Greece, renowned for its rich ancient history. While the city is known for its iconic historic landmarks, it is also a gateway to the beautiful underwater world in the Aegean Sea. On a scuba dive in Athens, you can discover coastal reefs and diverse marine life, such as fish, octopuses and sponges. Nautilus Dive Center provides discover scuba diving sessions for complete beginners!

Book a scuba dive from Athens with Nautilus Dive Center and explore the world beneath the surface of the Aegean Sea.

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  • Identity check
    ID checked
  • Company registration
  • Insurance
    Insurance certificate verified
  • Diplomas and qualifications