Immerse yourself in the winter wonderland of Jämtland County on this overnight experience which includes meals, dog sledding, and snowshoeing with huskies!
Immerse yourself in the winter wonderland of Jämtland County in Strömsund on this overnight experience which includes meals, dog sledding, and snowshoeing with huskies! Welcoming adventurers ages 9 and up.
Located in northern Sweden, Strömsund is a locality situated in Jämtland County that is known for its stunning natural surroundings. The area boasts scenic lakes, rivers, and forests, which makes it a perfect place for a relaxing nature retreat and an exhilarating dog sledding adventure!
Your husky experience begins at the Nordic Husky Farm in Strömsund. Upon your arrival, you and your group (a maximum of 4 participants) will be greeted by your friendly and knowledgeable hosts/guides. They will provide an itinerary overview and show you to your cosy cabin. Then, you'll be taken on a tour of the husky farm and meet all of the adorable dogs! Next, you'll put on a pair of snowshoes, a trekking belt, and a headlamp. With a husky attached to your waist, you'll set out into the snowy wilderness! If luck is on your side, you may be graced with the dancing colours of the Northern Lights. Don't forget your camera! On your snowshoe hike, you'll be treated to hot chocolate, glögg (a non-alcoholic drink that is similar to mulled wine), or a traditional Nordic drink made of rose hips.
Upon your return to the farm, you'll enjoy a delicious dinner by an open fire while seated on warm reindeer skins. This homemade, locally sourced, and organic dinner menu is also available in vegan or vegetarian options (please specify when booking). After your meal, you can choose to watch the dogs being fed or enjoy the tranquillity of nature near your charming cabin.
The next morning, you'll start the day with a hearty breakfast before embarking upon a thrilling dog sledding excursion! Participants can choose between driving the team or being seated in the sled. After a safety briefing and an introduction to dog sledding and dog sled driving (mushing) techniques, the fun starts! Your energetic team of huskies will pull you through the picturesque landscapes of Strömsund at high speeds on a 1-hour tour. Get ready for an adrenaline rush like none other! Once you've returned to the kennel, you'll be served a light lunch with hot drinks. Now it's time to say goodbye to your four-legged friends after your amazing experience in Strömsund.
For unforgettable moments in Sweden, don't miss this overnight winter husky experience from Strömsund in Jämtland County!
Buchen Sie Ihre Aktivität
Praktische Informationen
- Ankunft am Treffpunkt
- Treffen Sie Ihren Reiseführer/Gastgeber
- Begrüßung mit Reiseplan, Kennenlernen der Huskys und Zwingerbesichtigung
- Sicherheitseinweisung und Einführung in das Hundeschlittenfahren
- Hundeschlittentour
- Mittagessen am Lagerfeuer
- Freie Zeit für Erkundungen und Wanderungen
- Leckeres Abendessen
- Entspannender Abend in Ihrer charmanten Hütte
- Herzhaftes Frühstück
- Schneeschuhwanderung mit Huskys
- Mittagessen am Lagerfeuer an einem See
- Rückkehr zum Bauernhof
- Freie Zeit
- Leckeres Abendessen
- Herzhaftes Frühstück
- Eisfischen
- Mittagessen
- Verabschieden Sie sich von Ihren vierbeinigen Freunden
Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die Durchführung dieser Aktivität eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl von 2 Personen erforderlich ist.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Exkursion zwar eine leichte körperliche Aktivität beinhaltet, aber alle Teilnehmer müssen in der Lage sein, 2 Stunden lang zu laufen.
Vegane und vegetarische Optionen sind verfügbar, bitte geben Sie bei der Buchung Ihre Ernährungseinschränkungen an.
Da das Nordlicht ein unberechenbares Naturphänomen ist, ist seine Anwesenheit nie garantiert.
- Leitfaden
- Unterbringung für 2 Nächte
- Ausrüstung für Schneeschuhwanderungen
- Trekking-Gürtel
- Ausrüstung für Hundeschlittenfahrten
- Ausrüstung zum Eisfischen
- 2 Frühstücke
- 3 Mittagessen
- Imbisse
- Getränke
- Übertragung
- Winterkleidung
- Alkohol
- Warme und wasserdichte Jacke und Hose
- Warme Schichten von Kleidung
- Wechsel der Kleidung
- Toilettenartikel
- Pijamas
- Wollsocken
- Stiefel
- Handschuhe
- Hut
- Halstuch
- Sonnenbrille
- Kamera