Tromsø, Norwegen
7 Stunden
Wondering Reindeer AS ist ein samisches Rentier-Erlebnisunternehmen, das seinen Gästen authentische samische Abenteuer bietet.
Eine Kleingruppentour (16 Personen) um die Insel Kvalya (in der Nähe der Stadt Tromso) mit majestätischen Bergen und arktischen Fjorden.
Ole has a big heart and lives his passion to show their Sami culture in a very lovely way.
Very friedlich, informativ.
The guide tried very hard to ensure that we all had a good time and that everyone could enjoy the day
The guide was great, easy going, helpful and friendly. He was always happy to provide some more information about the Sami, Norway or other elements about the land we were wandering through.